Days before I found out that I'm pregnant, I was terribly unwell. I was cranky and I cried a lot because I'm emotional for whatever reasons. Had a massive throbbing headaches everyday, and I'm feeling super fatigued. I threw tantrums at my husband as I was irritated with this restless feelings.
On a particular Sunday, I was so tired for no reason. My body aches all over, stomach cramps and no appetite to eat. So on Monday, I was chatting with a friend and she told me to go for a pregnancy test. It didn't even cross my mind. So I told Miko to by a pregnancy test kit.
On Tuesday(25 Sep), I did the test. Surprisingly, it's positive. I was unsure at first so I tested in twice and it's positive too. Alhamdulillah. I was feeling very excited and bless! Consulted the doctor and he said I'm 7 weeks pregnant.
So currently, I'm going throught Trimester 1. One word, TOUGH! The morning sickness, sleepless nights, back aches and all. I started to puke everyday! And I feel tired all the time!! I never thought pregnancy could be so tough! Really respect all women who went through pregnancy! They are the strongest people ever!