Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Al Fateha to my mother in law who passed away on the First Day of Syawal. Weeks before she died, no one inform hubby or myself that mama was feeling restless and in pain. Days before she died, my sister in law send mama to hospital and that was the only time hubby and myself were informed about mama's condition.

Hubby was worried so I told him to fly back to Philippines alone. But he refused. We could only pray for her recovery. On the morning of Syawal, my sister in law informed us that mama was in coma. Mama's condition was critical. My husband was feeling restless and I could tell that he's not enjoying his Syawal this year. By late noon, hubby abrutply said that Mama has passed away. I was shocked! Miko went out of my relative's house and burst into tears. It was really sad to see him. I understand his feelings. He only meet his mom once a year.

By late evening, my sister in law called to inform that Mama heartbeat came back but it was still in critical condition. So hubby and myself thought that we might have a chance to meet mama. But then at night, it was the final declaration that mama has passed away. =(

We flew back to Philippines to attend Mama's wake. We had a chance to see mama's body lying peacefully in the coffin. It was sad to know that mama has left us but we are glad that now, she does not need to suffer the pains anymore.

Mama, may your soul rest in peace. Miko & myself will always pray for you and papa. Don't worry about Ate Carol, we will take good care of her just like you did ma. You will be greatly miss by me and especially Miko. He loves you a lot ma!! Al Fateha.