Saturday, May 19, 2012

I ditched work a day before going to Philippines. And I ditched work again on the day I suppose to report after the long vacation. ;P

Hubby and I had a jovial time at Boracay. Though, I want to warn you about the immigration process there. It's belardy chaotic. I was so pissed off because there's too many requirements. We managed to pass through all the immigration checkpoint fast because, well, hubby is a Filipino, he can speak Tagalog (Philippine language), thus making our life much easier that day. ;P

Please bring a big bottle of sunblock because, it's scorching hot in Boracay, especially during summer. I bought sunblock but always forgot to apply it and now my skin colour is as dark as a chocolate bar. On our first day, we arrived around 9am, Station 3. 

We stayed at Boracay Pito Hut Resort, it's not a hotel, but more of a chalet type. It's good for 3 people, spacious, unique, clean and it's very quiet at night, so you don't have to worry about the night life noise pollution. There are varieties of restaurants nearby too, it's just a few minutes walking distance. 

After checking in, we went for our first activity, Island Hopping.
                                  We stopped in the middle of nowhere for snorkelling with the fishes. 

                                          Then, we proceed to another Island for seafood lunch. 
                                          After lunch, we continued with Island Hopping. 
After Island Hopping, we did helmet diving. I enjoyed this activity the most. At first, you may experience a very sharp and pain feeling inside your ears. It's really uncomfortable but try to swallow you saliva many times or blow your nose out. It all vanishes away after that. The diver was kind to snap pictures and took video of us underwater. The most absurd yet hilarious part was when we were told to lift up the helmet. Those who are unable to hold your breathe underwater for even a few seconds, better don't do it. It's tough.. I did it, and I almost drowned myself but hubby and the diver helped me. LOL!

After helmet diving, we decided to rest. So we went back to our hut, showered and took power nap.. We were both fatigued & jet-lag. Woke up at around 7pm, went out for dinner at an Indian Cuisine Restaurant. We ordered sheesha as well. Dinner just beside the sea, feeling the breeze and star gazing. It was lovely. After dinner, we roamed around, bought some snacks, watch a fire poi stunt. Amazing!! We ended the night early because we were both still feeling the lethargic in us. 

2nd Day; The next morning, before breakfast, we went straight to our 3rd activity, Parasailing!!! Hubby really enjoyed this activity. It was awesome! High up in the sky, enjoying the view.. It was, if I'm not wrong, a 15 to 20 mins ride. 

After para-sailing, we head to the shore for breakfast. The speed-boat driver was kind to allow hubby to drive it. Hubby was delighted. He never drive a boat before. 
After breakfast, we proceed for our next activity, ATV!! It's a 30 minutes ride... They will bring you to 2 different pit stop. The last pit stop was the best part.
It was at the top of somewhere, where you can see the view of Boracay. It's a beautiful scenery. SubhanaAllah for his creations. After riding the ATV, we went back to the hut to rest. We didn't explore Boracay during afternoon time because it's too hot outside. We ended up inside the hut between 4pm to 6pm.. At around 6pm, we went out to explore Bora. 

But before that, we had our henna done. We spend the night roaming around, light shopping, just enjoying the night... Met people from different countries. The night life in Boracay is just WOW!! 
3rd Day. After a scrumptious breakfast, we went for our 5th activity, Jet Ski. It was a great experience. Hubby rode like a racer! I was terrified at first... We took turns riding the Jet Ski for 30 minutes.. 

After Jet Ski, it's FLYING FISH!!! I super dee duper enjoyed this!!! We've got to hold on to it when the boat drove at a super dee duper high speed. Eventually, hubby was the first one who flew off the flying fish, and ironically, I survived till the end. It's exceedingly tough but we had truckloads of fun!! Sorry for the blur picture above. Our waterproof camera is pathetically lousy... Plus the cameraman didn't focus first before pressing the shutter.
After Jet-Ski, as usual, we got back to the hut, rest and power nap. Around evening, we went out to view the gorgeous sunset. SubhanAllah.
4th  Day. It was suppose to be a Horse Riding activity, but we gave it pass. We went to Station 1 which is quite far from where we were at, Station 3. Relaxing by the shore, swam in the clear blue water. Simply spending quality time with beloved husband. Afterwhich, we roamed around D'Mall, shopping again.
Then at night, before dinner, I corn rowed my hair. It's just for fun and the lady did a fantastic job. She said, it took others only 15 minutes or less, but me, it took her 20 to 30 mins to do me because of my super thick hair. hahaha! After dinner, we shopped again. The luggage was belardy heavy i tell you. ;P
5th Day. Last day in Boracay. Felt kinda sad leaving such an amazing & gorgeous place. It's worth every penny you spend for Boracay. Honestly, throughout the water activity, I was worried about sharks. I kept having this feeling that, there's shark. I know it sounds funny but hey, you won't know what? Anyway, I will definitely be back in the future, insyaAllah. There's many more activities that I have yet to experience. Typing this out, just makes me miss Boracay more! =( So please, visit Boracay on your next vacation. But I advise not to go during Holy Week. To summarize my story, I LOVE BORACAY!