Friday, June 01, 2012

After much consideration, I have decided to resign from my current company. It's been a roller-coaster ride for me. Throughout the course of my career, I've gained knowledges and experiences, and I strongly believe that it's time for me to find a better working environment and higher income.

It was a tough decision for me, firstly because, in Singapore, the living standard are very HIGH! If you don't have a job, you will have an agony struggling to survive. Secondly, I'm married and need income, to save for future house, future kids, and all about the future. Thirdly, some personal debts need to settle. Lastly, I love travelling, and I told myself I need to travel at least once or twice a year. -.-

After talking out with hubby, he gave the green signal to resign. Due to some personal issues I have with the company, I resigned in confidence. However, I'm really grateful to the company for the career advancement from front desk to Sales Coordinator. It's been a bitter-sweet memories working for them.

Currently, I have two interviews on hand. I hope I can secure myself with a new job within a month. Insya'Allah.