Sunday, June 03, 2012

It was our virgin visit to Wild Wild Wet today with my family, relatives and cousins. We were told a day before that we will be leaving at 8.30am. I pitied my hubby because he worked and just reached home at 4am this morning. He merely have 4 hours of sleep. He must be effing tired.

It was a fruitful day out with my families. We arrived earlier and managed to find a nice spot to settle down. What I like the most about today was the Ular-Lah! I rode it twice. First with hubby and my brother. The second time was with my two cousins, my father, brother and hubby. It was an exciting ride! Awesome-ness!

We ended the day earlier because, my uncle who drove us needs to work in the evening time. We left at around 1.30pm. Stopped by Ayer Rajah food court to buy foods, then home sweet home. Everyone were too fatigued after a day out since morning, and eventually knocked out. Looking forward to the next family outing.